About us
Fashion Revolution South Africa is a registered non-profit company (2023/908759/08) advocating for a clean, safe, fair, transparent and accountable fashion industry. We mobilise citizens, brands and policymakers through research, education and advocacy. Our aim is to promote ethical standards of conduct, environmental and social sustainability and compliance with applicable laws and regulations by persons and businesses who are involved in, or who are customers of, the fashion, clothing, footwear, accessories and textiles manufacturing and value chain in South Africa.
Our objectives
Our activities
We engage in a variety of campaigns and projects to achieve our values. Some of our initiatives include:
If you would like to get involved with our activities, have any questions around the work we do, or would like to collaborate on any projects with us, please contact us at [email protected].
To volunteer with Fashion Revolution South Africa and be a part of the world’s largest fashion activism movement, you can complete this form.
Follow us on instagram @fash_rev_southafrica
We invite you to join us over 15 – 24 April as we mark 10 years of fashion activism. We have put together a variety of events to engage our community of Fashion Revolutionaries and it will not be the same without you.
Check our events page for more information and RSVP to confirm your spot.
We look forward to seeing you!
Fashion Revolution South Africa has been actively campaigning for a more ethical, sustainable and transparent fashion industry for the last 9 years. As we have recently formalised our organisation as a non-profit company, we are hoping this structure will enable us to raise funds so that we can conduct much-needed research, develop open source educational resources and toolkits, and organise projects and campaigns that contribute towards our vision and mission.
Your help is instrumental to our work.