The Fashion Revolution NEPAL team consists of a diverse range of individuals and includes an educator, researcher, designer, activist and small business owner.
In Nepal, there is a growing community of like-minded manufacturers, brands, and designers who share a true passion for ethical fashion and sustainable practices. A growing number of young people are interested in fashion but are also seeking knowledge to understand fashion’s circulatory process. Fashion Revolution Nepal team seek to educate, raise awareness and advocate for sustainability in fashion in both a global context and in relation to Nepal’s cultural practises. The team is constantly focussed on the people who make the clothes and how their life is impacted by inequality and barriers to access to justice. Since 2019 we have been focussed more on building public understanding of the Fashion industry with the support of artists and mixed media.
There are individuals and companies who have been working together to promote better transparency and industry practice in Nepal’s fashion industry for the last 4 years. They believe that the fashion industry should be fair, ethical and transparent.
If you would like to join the Fashion Revolution movement or get involved with events, then join us on Fashion Revolution Nepal’s social media accounts. Don’t forget to ask your favourite brands #WhoMadeMyClothes
For further information or contact us directly email Country Coordinator Haushala Gurung Thapa directly on [email protected]
Fashion Revolution is only nine years old and already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research,
inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.