Global Swap with Fashion Revolution 2019

This Fashion Revolution Week Global Fashion Exchange partnered with Fashion Revolution to produce our Global Swap Event for the second year running!
We love partnering together! First off, we love Fashion Revolution, but we also appreciate the opportunity to be involved with an important global movement. The Global Swap Event combines our tried and tested swap events and our network of ambassadors to produce swaps around the world.
GFX started in 2013 after the Rana Plaza collapse, like Fashion Revolution, but instead of asking consumer who made our clothes, we focused on asking them if they knew what was in their closet. GFX started a discussion on how we can change consumer habits by doing one thing. That one thing was reevaluating the way they shop, and educating consumers on how they consider their clothes.
Increasing the life of your clothes by 9 months can reduce your carbon footprint by 20-30%.
Having consumers reevaluate creates a chain reaction in how much we throw away and how much fashion we produce. As Fashion Revolution has told us, increasing the life of your clothes by 9 months can reduce your carbon footprint by 20-30%. This to us is a huge change, what if most of the world thought this way? As of right now, we are overproducing by 30% and steadily growing to over 60% overproduction and excess in the fashion industry. What do we do with all the excess clothes?
Since GFX started in 2013 we have seen a large switch in mindset, swapping has steadily taken over the world! By the end of 2018, we have swapped, collected (with partner wearable collections) and given new life to over 1.4 million pounds of clothes. This year with the Global Swap Event and Fashion Revolution Week the total was over 2,000 pounds of clothing in one week!
GFX had a very positive response to the event, holding clothing swaps and educational events over the world, from NYC to Mumbai to Slovakia.
The GFX ambassadors and network have done incredible work inspiring their communities to get involved in swapping and the second-hand market. We want to highlight a few amazing swaps that participated in the Global Swap Event.
We are proud to be a part of Museum of Sustainability opening week! You can find the video here. We also want to recognize our Slovakia swap, put on by Nosene, was a huge swap with 1,250 people attending! That is huge!
India has become one of our major swapping hubs! Thank you to our awesome ambassador Dhawal Mane who works with Green Stitched in Bangalore. From swaps in Mumbai to Surat to Hyderabad to Bangalore there were over 900 swappers and almost 900 pounds of clothes!
Fashion For Good had 500 items to swap, thank you for supporting!
Swap Til You Drop in Bangkok Thailand, had 3 swaps in one week and swapped 440 pounds of clothing!
Swap Society at The Riverter in LA who did an amazing job as always.
Meredith Donelgen, left, who swapped in Virginia Beach and Cristina Calciati, right, who swapped in a local movie theatre in Milan, are first time GFX swappers!
GFX hosted our swap on Earth Day in Union Square with Earth Day Initiative a mix of fashion and climate activists! Thank you for everyone who participated and our ambassadors around the world that allow GFX to be a global movement!