Zine #004: Call for submissions!

By Fashion Revolution

6 years ago

Does your family or local community have a craft story? Is there a thread that has been handed down from generation to generation? 

Are you an illustrator, writer, poet, photographer or artist?

Unravel your creativity by discovering your personal artisanal heritage.

Was your grandmother a knitter or an embroiderer? Are you passing on your family craft to a younger generation? Is your local area steeped with traditional crafting skills? 

Help us map and celebrate our global craft cultural heritage. Be inspired by the artisan in you and send us your doodles, photographs, collages and stories.

This is a non-profit fanzine, which supports the Fashion Revolution movement. Proceeds from the fanzine will help us continue to grow our movement and keep on pushing for positive change.


  • Write a poem or create an image that explores the role of artisanal crafts in your community.
  • Create some Fashion Revolution propaganda! Inspire people to take to knitting, embroidery and other crafts as a political statement. Make it bold, provocative and positively inspiring.
  • Create a Love Story about a craft skill you feel has had a positive impact in your life. Your love story could be a poem, illustration, or photograph.
  • Share the story on how your heritage artisanal skills have helped you to contextualise your personal history – how following the thread has informed you and inspired you.
  • Explore a history where people made clothes – for example, the poetic stitching of boro fabric, the quilting of old scraps of cotton into heirlooms, the repurposing of old garments into something else, or special vintage pieces that have been passed down for generations.
  • Recover photographs of artisans and artisanal techniques from your family and local area.
  • How will fashion preserve and remember forgotten skills and how could we re-learn techniques that are now extinct?

Submit your pieces for consideration to [email protected] by November 30th. Maximum 650 words for written pieces. Images must be high resolution (300dpi at 246 x 176mm). Please email with your full name, and a website or Instagram link for crediting the work, along with any necessary caption information. All works submitted must be your own original work. Chosen work will be notified in August.

Please Note: By submitting your work, you are agreeing for the publication of the work in Zine 004: Crafts Make Stories. The work may also be used in future Fashion Revolution communications promoting the charity and the zine itself. We will always credit the work of the artist in all communications.