¡Bienvenidos a Fashion Revolution Perú!
Fashion Revolution Perú es parte del movimiento global que busca recontruir los eslabones rotos en la cadena de suministros de la industria de la moda, hasta convertirla en una industria donde la dignidad en el trabajo, la protección del medio ambiente y la igualdad de genero sean parte de la agenda del gobierno de nuestro país y darles a las personas especialmente a las mujeres una voz.
Creemos y queremos una industria de la moda transparente, consciente, ética que apoye la recuperación de tradiciones y ecosistemas con un diseño creativo y un reparto equitativo de beneficios.
Lucharemos juntos para que la moda se convierta en una fuerza para el bien: fabricantes, diseñadores, proveedores, consumidores, profesionales e instituciones publicas y privadas, todos juntos lo lograremos. Queremos educar e involucrar a todos los peruanos sobre el impacto social y ambiental de sus compras de ropa, para que exijan una industria de la moda más sostenible y una economía circular para todos.
Se curioso, pregunta ¿Quién hizo tu ropa? ¿Dónde? y ¿En qué condiciones?
¡Únete a nosotros!
Escribenos: [email protected]
Ranking the levels of transparency of 100 of the biggest global fashion companies.
DOWNLOADInformation on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 2018 if you are a fashion brand, wholesaler, retailer, distributor or designer.
DOWNLOADInformation on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 23-29th April 2018.
DOWNLOADInformation on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 2018 if you are a farmer, producer, factory or maker.
DOWNLOADDownload the ‘How to be a Fashion Revolutionary‘ booklet. It’s full of inspiration and ideas about how you can use your voice and your power to transform the fashion industry as we know it.
DOWNLOADWant to avoid buying new clothes? Take the #haulternative challenge — a way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes: from shopping secondhand, swapping with a friend, renting special pieces, to DIY customisation.
DOWNLOADBring the Fashion Revolution to your University and inspire people to think differently about the clothes they buy and wear.
DOWNLOADFree educational resources for all ages, such as worksheets, activities, information for educators, and how you can be a Student Ambassador at your university.
Discover moreWe invite brands and retailers to show us the people in your supply chain by sharing their stories, and help transform the industry by demonstrating transparency in your supply chain. Download and print an ‘I made your clothes’ poster for your producers to hold, and share using #imadeyourclothes
DOWNLOADYou can download and print these posters to use with your selfie, when asking brands and retailers #whomademyclothes?
DOWNLOADFashion Revolution is only five years old and already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research,
inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.